Opening it up as a publicly editable space is a nightmare unless there is a system like Wikipedia in place, where all edits are submitted by registered users and then validated by a select group of editors. I wish Wikipedia worked like an appliance for things like this. Imagine setting up a new Wikipedia and assigning editors, then letting it loose. There is always the possibility that it will scale beyond the capacity of the editors, however.

BTW, are you familiar with The Society Library? "Modeling societal-scale deliberation, developing decision-making models, building libraries of knowledge, and offering educational content on complex issues." I've been following them for a short while and I thought, is there something useful they do that might be applicable to lifelong learning? https://www.societylibrary.org/mission-vision

"The Society Library extracts arguments, claims, and evidence from various forms of media to compile databases which represent the ideas and arguments from all points of view starting with the most high-impact, persistent, and polarizing issues; to be visualized and made freely available to the public in a library. The long-term vision of the Society Library is to create a library of ideas not only on social and political subjects, but also philosophy, spirituality, and social values."

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Thanks for the link, Miguel! I had not heard of The Society Library, but I'll look into it.

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