I'm very much an Obsidian newbie, but couple plugins for Obsidian I've been toying with in iterative amendment to notes might be of some interest...

The inbuilt Random Note let's me pull a note without context for review. Often I'll find minor tweaks for consideration this way, and it's low energy (like David Allen's guidance to refill your staple at certain times). As I imported a bunch of data from Roam -> Logseq -> Obsidian, I'm doing some intermittent patchwork...

Dangling Links - another way to surface empty pages.

Weekly Review - opens a bundle of files for a given period for review (useful for GTD weekly reviews, but may be more generally applicable).

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I can be in the tractor listening to a podcast and an idea will come to me, or a thread of an idea connecting two other thoughts, and by the time the cows are fed, I can't remember what the "nugget" was anymore. Normally it will come back to me, but I realized from your post that if I can't find a way to integrate these thoughts so they can be analyzed, I'm not really going to come to some understanding of what is going on in the world.

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I've had pretty good luck using Voice Memos on my phone or even sending myself a quick email if I'm someplace where I need to be silent.

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