You might find the work of Roger Schank to be of value. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roger_Schank Schank wrote a book "Tell me a story" https://www.amazon.com/Tell-Story-Narrative-Intelligence-Rethinking/dp/0810113139/ examining the role of stories in cognition in some depth. It has been a while and I did not finish the book, but I remember Schank describing how people communicate by trading stories. Stories in the cognitive perspective are often described as episodic memories to differentiate their method of representation from semantic memory, but episodes are supposedly stored and linked to other nodes of meaning (semantic memory).

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Thanks, Mark. I just asked my ILL to get the book for me!

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Schank was an AI guy with a pugnacious personality. I forget why I gave up on the book. I purchased a paper copy and I must have discarded it somewhere along my retirement journey. I am guessing it was beyond my reach when he began to transition from how we use stories to AI.

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