Good question. I suppose the Glorious Revolution took some of the pressure off for a while. The French Revolution certainly seems to have scared Brits like Burke. They get a mild Reform Act in 1832 and then a more complete one in 1868. Between those two events they get Disraeli and Victoria becomes Empress of India, so that might also be a distraction.
Do you agree with the idea that England couldn't have had a revolution like what happened in France only thirty years after this? Or did England just have it's own revolution a little earlier, in a milder form?
Good question. I suppose the Glorious Revolution took some of the pressure off for a while. The French Revolution certainly seems to have scared Brits like Burke. They get a mild Reform Act in 1832 and then a more complete one in 1868. Between those two events they get Disraeli and Victoria becomes Empress of India, so that might also be a distraction.
Do you agree with the idea that England couldn't have had a revolution like what happened in France only thirty years after this? Or did England just have it's own revolution a little earlier, in a milder form?