Interestingly, one of the things I read yesterday in Isaiah Thomas' History of Printing was that in the 17th century, a lot of Massachusetts books were sent to London to be printed because there were pretty strict rules about what could be printed in Boston. Basically only religious tracts. This would have enabled the London printers to sell the American books they printed to their home audiences.
That’s a giant backlist. Or did books not go out of print then? No way you could do print on demand with manual typesetting.
87 1/2 cents... clearly money grabbers. : )))))
So new name for the tax dodging tea terrorist, could be, IP/Copywrite frauds too. Have you found much 'printing' going the opposite direction?
Interestingly, one of the things I read yesterday in Isaiah Thomas' History of Printing was that in the 17th century, a lot of Massachusetts books were sent to London to be printed because there were pretty strict rules about what could be printed in Boston. Basically only religious tracts. This would have enabled the London printers to sell the American books they printed to their home audiences.
oh well, land of the free and all that. ; ((((((