So you are going to miss all this nice 'juice' : ))))

Welcome to December and pardons, etc.

All The President's Men - by Carole Cadwalladr - The Power


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Interesting, this from Robert Reich: "Here are the sources I currently rely on for the truth: The Guardian, Democracy Now, Business Insider,The New Yorker,The American Prospect, Americans for Tax Fairness, The Economic Policy Institute, The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, ProPublica, Labor Notes, The Lever, Popular Information, Heather Cox Richardson, and, of course, this Substack."

- [Inside the billionaires' plan to silence democracy - Alternet.org](https://www.alternet.org/inside-the-billionaire-s-plan-to-silence-democracy/)

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Perhaps some room for the occasional perspective piece?

There is a lot of anger and conflict, but I don't think it will diminish from the election of this month. There are real causes for the anger, and a lot of it is being mis-directed to false causes.

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