One of the things I’m found really interesting, writing about a character who lived from 1800 to 1850, was getting his world right. The Massachusetts in which Charles Knowlton grew up and where he made his home is a whole lot different from the place we know today. Even driving out to the sites and looking at the ground can be tricky, if you don’t try really hard to put yourself in the shoes of people of the time. For example, Knowlton
"One of the things I’m found really interesting, writing about a character who lived from 1800 to 1850, was getting his world right."
This is still my biggest challenge -- fully setting aside my imagination's view of the surroundings of those I'm learning about and really grasping what it was actually like. It's an ongoing process, no question.
"for it was evident that all they wanted was liberty from oppression that they might have liberty to oppress.” -- reminds me of those who today cry freedom, while seeking to oppress the freedom of others.
"One of the things I’m found really interesting, writing about a character who lived from 1800 to 1850, was getting his world right."
This is still my biggest challenge -- fully setting aside my imagination's view of the surroundings of those I'm learning about and really grasping what it was actually like. It's an ongoing process, no question.
"for it was evident that all they wanted was liberty from oppression that they might have liberty to oppress.” -- reminds me of those who today cry freedom, while seeking to oppress the freedom of others.