
US History II, Chapter 1

A Teaser for the Course

This is a video/podcast I’ve made for students of my upcoming US History II (Reconstruction to Present) course. This chapter and some excerpts from additional upcoming chapters will be available as “teasers”, but if you want to hear it all and read the content and see the web of links (which based on my experience today, I think will be quite valuable!) in Obsidian, you’ll need to become a contributor.

I hate to be so crass about this, but I have basically no job security and I’d really like to continue doing history. So I need to find a way to earn an income doing it. This may be part of a way. I suspect it will also be a bit cheaper this way, as I’ll probably price the course at about $100 when it launches. So here you’ll get it for half price and you also get to make comments and suggestions before the concrete sets.

If nothing else, you’ll see and hear a lot in my courses that you will NOT encounter elsewhere. That will include interpretations that cut across the patriotic myths of the master narrative, and primary sources representing a wide variety of perspectives suggesting the past was much more interesting than we sometimes imagine.

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