In this one we talk about Chapters 5 and 6, which dealt with race and civil rights efforts in the reading science community, and about extending some of the technologies involved in reading science into a broader study of vision and perception that was motivated in part by the needs of World War II aviators.
Science of Reading Book Club, Meeting 4
Aug 11, 2024
Making History is the top-level thing I do, as a historian, teacher, and writer. I create content, based on either original primary research or to present the findings of other historians to my students. This channel will cover several topics I am researching or teaching, and reflections on the ways that history helps us understand our current world.
Making History is the top-level thing I do, as a historian, teacher, and writer. I create content, based on either original primary research or to present the findings of other historians to my students. This channel will cover several topics I am researching or teaching, and reflections on the ways that history helps us understand our current world.Listen on
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Chris Aldrich
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Mark Grabe
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Tim Bushell
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