Recent activity
In the last couple of weeks, I have added to Substack sporadically due to it being my last weeks of classes at BSU. I think I should be able to get on a more organized schedule in the next couple of days. What I have posted lately on Freethought History includes:
Freethought = Radicalism, Academics vs. Knowlton, Bradlaugh Prehistory, Grayling Agreed with Knowlton, Francis Place, Irreligion a Category of Analysis, James Watt Jr., Temporary Jacobin, and several chapters of my Knowlton Biography.
On Lifelong Learners, I've announced my return to YouTube and since then I have re-publicized nearly 300 videos on my MakingHistory channel. I also posted a video responding to Brian Greene's interview with Jaron Lanier, called AI is HUmans Collaborating.
In the near future, as I begin my summer projects, expect more posts on primary sources, history content I’m planning on teaching, and note-making — as well as the continuation of the series I’ve already begun.