Henry’s brother-in-law George Goodwin writes to inquire whether Henry has some patent medicine and essential oils to sell him. Goodwin, who is a merchant in Boston, says he has run out of a salve and doesn’t have the time to make up a batch himself. He would like to buy it from Henry even if it comes from Henry’s former partner Joseph Bement, because he suspects Henry can get a better price from Bement than he could. Goodwin also inquires about peppermint oil and a couple of other essential oils, which establishes the fact that Henry remains connected to the essential oil business in the mid-1850s.
George greets Henry as Brother, in spite of the fact that his sister, Maria Goodwin Ranney, died in January 1855. Henry and George remain close and continue doing business together (especially in peppermint oil) until Henry’s retirement from business
My transcription follows the image:

Boston Apr. 4, 1855
Bro. Henry
I disp this line to say that I am in want of some Cowles Salve and not having time to make it, I thought you might have some on hand, or could perhaps buy it of Joe Bement at a better price than I could myself.
If you have any, at what price will you sell it? I want anywhere from one to two gross.
Or if you have none, will you have the goodness to inquire of Bement, and inform me the lowest price cash. Let me know as soon as possible as I am all out.
Have you any Oil Pepmt new and good, or can you inform me when I can get some. Also Oil Checkerberry, Spruce, etc.
All well. Wallace was here yesterday.
Yours etc.
Geo. C. Goodwin