Mill's Autobiography, Part 7

Mill's Autobiography, Part 7

I especially liked Mill’s conclusion to this chapter, where he discussed compromise:

I was thus in a good position for finding out by practice the mode of putting a thought which gives it easiest admittance into minds not prepared for it by habit; while I became practically conversant with the difficulties of moving bodies of men, the necessities of compromise, the art of sacrificing the non-essential to preserve the essential. I learnt how to obtain the best I could, when I could not obtain everything…

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Making History is the top-level thing I do, as a historian, teacher, and writer. I create content, based on either original primary research or to present the findings of other historians to my students. This channel will cover several topics I am researching or teaching, and reflections on the ways that history helps us understand our current world.
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Dan Allosso