Here are the “C” entries in Isaiah Thomas’ 1801 wholesale book catalog,with as many links as I could find. Some of the publication dates on the linked editions are much later than this catalog, but I tried to find older versions whenever possible to see what the books probably looked like at the time of the catalog. When the title is a multi-volume set, I have tried to link the first volume of the series.
Cadogan on Nursing, 8vo, sewed. $0.20 1/2
Cadogan on the Gout, 8vo, sewed. $0.25
Cain's Lamentations Over Abel, 12mo. $0.62 1/2
Camilla, a Picture of Youth, 3 vols. 12mo. $2.87 1/2
Campaigns of Consul Bonaparte, 8vo. $1.25
Campbell's Pleasures of Hope, and other Poems. 12mo. $0.75
Campbell's Travels and Sufferings, in an overland Journey to India $1.12 1/2
Caroline of Litchfield, 12mo. $1.00
Carver's Travels in Northamerica, 12mo. $.083 1/3
Castle of Truth, a Moral Tale, 12mo. $0.50
Catechism of Health, 12mo. $0.37 1/2
Catechism of Nature, 18mo. $0.20
Catholic Liturgy, 12mo. $1.00
Cato, a Tragedy. $0.20
Cavern of Death, a Moral Tale, 12mo. $0.50
Cecelia, or Memoirs of an Heiress, 3 vols. 12m0. $2.87 1/2
Centaur, not Fabulous, 12mo. $0.66 2/3
Cesar's Commentaries, Delphini, 8vo. $2.00
Chambaud's French Grammar, 12mo. $0.87 1/2
Chapone's Letters, on the Improvement of the Mind. 12mo. $0.62 1/2
Chauncy on Universal Salvation, 8vo. $1.75
Charles Grandison. 18mo. abridged. $0.25
Charlevoix's History of Paraguay, 2 vols. 12mo. $3.00
Charlotte Temple, 12mo. $0.75
Charlotte's Letters to Werter. 12mo. $0.70
Chesterfield's Letters, 2 vols. 8vo. $3.75
Chesterfield's Letters, 4 vols. 12mo. $3.33 1/3
Chesterfield's Life and Works, 3 vols. 8vo. $6.00
Chesterfield's Principles of Politeness. 18mo. various prices.
Child's Companion. $0.16 2/3
Children's Books, all sizes and prices
Children of the Abbey, 4 vols in 2, 12mo. $2.00
Children's Friend, 4 vols. 12mo. $3.75 & 3.00
Children's Miscellany, 12mo. $0.87 1/2
Chipman's Principles of Government, 12mo. $0.75
Cheselden's Anatomy, 8vo. $2.00
Cheselden's Anatomical Tables, 8vo. $1.25
Christie's Letters on the Revolution of France, &c. 8vo. $1.75
Christian Theology, French, 12mo. $1.00
Christian's Great Interest, 12mo. $0.62 1/2
Christian Remembrancer, 12mo. $0.75
Chronicles of the Kings of England, 12mo. $0.76
Chrysal, or the Adventures of a Guinea. 12mo. 4 vols. $4.00
Churchill's Works, 4 vols. 12mo. $4.50
Citizen of the Word, or Letters from a Chinese Philosopher, 12mo. $1.00
Clarke's Erasmus, $0.50
Clarke's Ovid, 8vo. $1.75
Clarke's Justin, 8vo. $1.50
Clarke's Salust, 8vo. $1.50
Clarke's Eutropia, 12mo. $0.50
Clarke's Introduction to Latin, $0.75
Clarke's (Rev. John) Letters to a Student, 12mo. $0.37 1/2
Clayton's Life of Alexander the Great, 4to. calf. $6.50
Clery's Journal of the late King of France, whilst confined in the Temple, 12mo. $0.75
Cloud of Witnesses for the Royal Prerogatives of Christ, 12mo. $1.00
Cobwebs to catch Flies, with cuts, for very young readers, 2 vols. 12mo. $0.62 1/2
Coghlan's (Mrs.) interesting Memoirs, 12mo. $0.62 1/2
Coke on Littleton, folio. $16.00
Collection of Poems, 12mo. $0.75
Collection of Voyages, 18mo. $0.50
Collins and Hammond's Poetical Works, 18mo. $0.66 2/3
Columbian Magazine, 5 vols. 8vo. $10.00
Columbian Orator, 12mo. $0.75
Columbian Muse, or Selection of American Poetry, 12mo. $0.75
Commentary on the Book of Psalms, by the Bishop of Norwich, 8vo. $2.25
Common Sense in Dishabille, 12mo. $0.25
Companion, or a Selection of the Beauties of the most celebrated English Authors, &c. 12mo. $0.70
Complete Farmer, a valuable Work on Husbandry, with plates, folio. $12.00
Complete Letter Writer, 12mo. $0.70
Condorcet's Life of Voltaire, 2 vols. 8vo. $3.25
Conductor Generalis, 8vo. $1.87 1/2
Confessions of a Beauty, 2 vols. 12mo. $2.00
Constitutions of Free Masons, 4to, $2.50
Constitutions of United States, 12mo. $1.00
Constitution of the Presbyterian Church in the United States, Confession of Faith and Catechism, 12mo. $0.66 2/3
Constitution of Massachusetts, a Book which ought to be owned by every Man in the Commonwealth; the price bound is only $0.25
Contemplations, Moral and Divine, 8vo. $1.25
Contrast, a new Novel, 12mo. $1.00
Cook's Voyages, 3 vols. 8vo. calf $7.00
Cook's Voyages, 4vols. 8vo. with plates. $8.00
Cook's Voyages, 2 vols. 8vo. $3.50
Cook's Voyages, 2 vols. 12mo. plates. $2.50
Coote's History of England, 8vo. $2.00
Copyslips, $0.20
Coquette, or the History of Eliza Wharton, 12mo. $1.00
Corbett's Self Employment, 12mo. $0.50
Corderii, 12mo. $0.37 1/2
Cotton's Works, 2 vols. 12mo. $2.50
Count De Hoensdern, 2 vols. 12mo. $1.87 1/2
Count Roderic's Castle, 12mo. $0.75
Country Builder's Assistant, 4to. $1.75
Cowper's Task, 12mo. $0.75
Coxe's View of the United States, 8vo. $1.75
Cozen's Fables for the Ladies, 12mo. $0.50
Crawford's History of Ireland, 2 vols. 8vo. $3.00
Crisp's Sermons to the Quakers, 8vo. $1.33 1/3
Croke's Reports, 3 vols. 8vo in 2. $1.20
Croxall's Fables, with cuts, 12mo. $1.00
Croxall's Fables, elegant with plates, calf and gilt. 8vo. $3.50
Cruden's Concordance, 4to. elegant Edition. $9.00
Cronstedt's Minerology, 2 vols. 8vo. $5.00
Cruise on Uses, 8vo. $1.75
Cry, a New Dramatic Fable, 3 vols. 12mo. $3.00
Cullen's Materia Medica, 2 vols. 4to. $15.00
Cullen's Materia Medica, 2 vols. 8vo. $3.33 1/3
Cullen's Practice of Physic, 2 vols. 8vo. $4.00
Cumberland's Calvary, or Death of Christ, 12mo. $0.70
Currie on the Diseases of America, 8vo. $2.00
Cyrus's Travels, in French and English, 12mo. 2 vols. $2.00
Cyrus's Travels, 12mo. $0.87 1/2
Find of interest: Crawford's History of Ireland, 2 vols. 8vo. $3.00