My reaction to the wildly popular Bill Wurtz video that begins before the Big Bang and races to the present in just under 19 minutes (I'm reacting to the "clean" version). I add some points I think need emphasis. Lots of great stuff in here. I'm always interested in people who can be super effective talking about history to the public, so this was very enlightening.
Historian's Reaction to "History of the Entire World I Guess"
Nov 07, 2021
Making History is the top-level thing I do, as a historian, teacher, and writer. I create content, based on either original primary research or to present the findings of other historians to my students. This channel will cover several topics I am researching or teaching, and reflections on the ways that history helps us understand our current world.
Making History is the top-level thing I do, as a historian, teacher, and writer. I create content, based on either original primary research or to present the findings of other historians to my students. This channel will cover several topics I am researching or teaching, and reflections on the ways that history helps us understand our current world.Listen on
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