America's Bestsellers to 1749
This is a first pass at a list of the books that Americans bought most, throughout our history. The basis for the list, which I'm continuing to build up with additional sources, comes from Frank Luther Mott’s Golden Multitudes: The Story of Best Sellers in the United States, 1947. Mott’s standard of Best Seller status was that the book’s sales exceeded 1% of the population when printed. The (mostly) non-fiction titles that I think I'd like to read, and can find a link to, are highlighted.
Bestsellers before 1700 (at least 1,000 copies sold):
1662, Michael Wigglesworth, The Day of Doom
1664, Richard Baxter, A Call to the Unconverted
1665, Lewis Bayly, The Practice of Piety
1679, Samuel Hardy, A Guide to Heaven
1681, John Bunyan, The Pilgrim’s Progress (1677)
1682, Mary Rowlandson, Captivity and Restoration
1688, Francis Bacon, Essays (1601)
also (not a best seller, but popular):
1670, Michael Wigglesworth, Meat Out of the Eater
1699, Jonathan Dickinson, God’s Protecting Providence (sold over 2,000)
1700-1709 (at least 3,000 copies sold)
1701, Robert Russell, Seven Sermons
1707, John Williams, The Redeemed Captive
1709, John Flavel, Husbandry Spiritualized
1700, Samuel Willard, The Fountain Opened
1700, James Janeway, A Token for Children
1700, Thomas Doolittle, Treatise on the Lord’s Supper
1710-1719 (at least 4,000)
1719, Mother Goose’s Melodies for Children
1719, Isaac Watts, Divine and Moral Songs for the Use of Children
1720-1729 (5,000)
1721, Flavius Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews
1722, Nathaniel Vincent, The Day of Grace
1727, William Penn, Fruits of a Father’s Love
1729, John Bunyan, Grace Abounding (1666)
1729, Daniel Defoe, Religious Courtship
1730-1739 (7,000)
1733, History of Doctor Faustus
1741, William Penn, No Cross, No Crown
1741, Sarah Rede, A Token for Youth
1741, Isaac Watts, Horae Lyricae
1744, Samuel Richardson, Pamela
1745, The History of the Holy Jesus
1747, Alexander Pope, Essay on Man
1740, Ralph Erskine, Gospel Sonnets
1742, Elizabeth S. Rowe, Devout Exercises of Heart, and Letters
1744, The French Convert
1745, John Tillotson, Sermons
1748, Jared Eliot, Essays Upon Husbandry in New England
1749, Philip Doddridge, Lectures